Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend Workshop

Unceasing effort brings success;
"Fate, fate is all,' let dastards wail:
Smite fate and prove yourself a man;
What fault if bold endeavor fail?

On October 17th, our playwright, director, actors, and shadow-puppet expert gathered for the first time to meet, discuss, and play. For 3 days we asked questions, took risks, and taught each other, culminating in a staged reading of the current script on Sunday, October 19th. We were privileged to have 7 fifth graders at our staged reading to provide valuable feedback, as well as several educators and members of the community for whose input we are very grateful.

Here's a little scrapbook of our weekend:

Laurie McCants, founding member of the Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble and our shadow-puppet guru, brought her beautiful Egyptian puppets for us to play with. These puppets, made of donkey hide, were built in collaboration with WAMDA Puppet
Company of Cairo, Egypt

Meet our cast (and lovely production assistant):
From left, Carolyn Henderson, Jamie Koottarappallil, Jiddu (George Haddad), Jami Yeager, Kris Zarif, and Seth Rosenthal

Jiddu playing his magnificent Oud

Jamie and Jiddu: Jam Session

Jiddu on Oud, Jamie on Tabla

Our diminutive director Janet Hayatshahi gazes up at our shadow puppet screen

Dani and Jiddu discuss the script

Laurie teaches Kris, Jamie and Seth how to manipulate shadow puppets

Laurie gives our audience a shadow puppet tutorial.
Jamie, Kris and Seth wait behind the screen

Jamie, Kris and Seth put on an impromptu performance to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"

Jami, Jiddu, Kris and Seth perform as several fifth grade students look on

Q and A with our esteemed panel

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